In the series Nomads, Place with no Name, Valérie Leray shows photographs of (non-)places whose past is revealed only by the photographic act which breaks through the emptiness of their today's presence. On the basis of her own family history, anthropometric material and historical documents, Valérie Leray follows the traces of internment camps for Roma during World War II.
In this way the photographs themselves turn into traces: they are documents that close the gaps of the individual and collective memory and whose aesthetic presence points out the absence of an appropriate critical discussion of the history of the Romani people in Europe.
Thanks to this aesthetic power, the series can be considered as a contribution to an actual political debate in Germany, France and other parts of Europe; in the context of this debate the Romani people risks to be once more instrumentalised, this time in the increasing national and regional identity anxieties and a constant feeling of crisis.
No Innoncent Landscape*, 2021
Article, T.Montanari, Biennale de Venise, (It), 2019
Article of MSUV, Serbia, 2019
Interview, Rosenberg (De), Ed.FAUST 2015
Photography as a monument, Valérie Leray (Fr) 2015
Text von Moritz Pankok ( De), 2015
Text von Peter Krilles ( De, En, Fr), 2015
Texte de Rémy Argensson, Art 21, 2008
Texte de Denis Angus, Images du Pôle, 2008
Images du Pôle, Lumen, Réputés Nomades, Orleans, 2008
Art 21, N°15, Dec2007/Jan 2008, Réputés Nomades, Art. de Rémy Argensson
Portraits de famille, collective exhibition, Utile ignorance, 2009
Nomades, solo exhibition, CERCIL, Orleans, 2013
Eigen.Bild, collective exhibition, EMOP, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2014
Stopping places, collective exhibition, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2014
Transmetting trauma ? Gallery8 ( Bu) and Gallery Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2015
Ort ohne Namen, solo exhibition, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2015
Akathe Te Beschen, Galerie Kai Dikhas / 59 rue Rivoli, Paris, 2016
Frei Sein, Schloss Heildelberg (De), 2016
Frei Sein, collective exhibition, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2017
Akathe Te Beschen, collective exhibition, El Centro Centro, Madrid, 2017
Akathe Te Beschen, collective exhibition, Prague, 2017
Akathe Te Beschen, collective exhibition, Grenada, 2017
My Art is my reality, group exhibition, curator:Sanja Sanja Kojić Mladenov MMSU, Croatia, 2018
My Art is my reality, group exhibition, curator:Sanja Sanja Kojić Mladenov MNSV, Serbia, 2019
Editions of Place With No Name, Galerie kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2019
FUTUROMA, curator : Daniel Baker, commissioned by ERIAC, Official Collateral Event, 58th of Biennale di Venezia, 2019
FUTUROMA, curator : Daniel Baker, commissioned by ERIAC, Villa Romana, Florence, Italy, 2020
Art and Healing, Europaïsche Kunstlerhaus Schafhof, Freising/Germany, 2021
No Innocent Landscapes, monographic exhibition, ERIAC, Berlin, 2021
2sd Roma Biennale, Poster, Romatrial, Berlin, 2021
Lectures/Artist talks
Untaken Photography* Ariella Azoulay, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2015
Zur Situation der Manouche in Frankreich, Bildvotrag at Stiftung Lagrenne, Berlin, 2015
Spaces and Memories of Roms in France, Second World War , Ort ohne Namen, Photography
Erinern-Kontroverse, Agentur für Bildung - Geschichte, Politik und Medien, Berlin
Construct and Reality, European Month of Photography, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, 2015
Deconstruction the Time of the Event, Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Serbia, 2019
Conference " Auschwitz only sleeping ", Representation of Roma Memory in Art and Culture,
Krakow, Poland, 2019
Discussion, , ERIAC 2021
Aide individuelle à la création, Drac centre
Aide à la production, Région Centre
European Year of Intercultural Dialogu
ACSE culture
Soutien à la création, ville d'Orléans
1% artistique, Lycée Voltaire, Orléans, purchase photographs by Region Centre, 2008
Private collection, Galery et Foundation Kai Dikhas, Berlin
Leporello Mulengre Placi, 2010 : workshop with a secondary school Louis Armand, Dreux classroom 6iemeVerdi, for Romas'teenagers, Photography and Writing, Places and Memories, 2008 and 2009.